  • 期刊


The Research of the Editing Personnel on Proofreading Medical Books Bureau in Song Dynasty




宋代 校正醫書局 林億


The Proofreading Medical Books Bureau was established under Editing Institute on Song Ren Zong. It was the first time to build an organization for proofreading medical books in history, which worth our attention. The Proofreading Medical Books Bureau lasted for twenty-four years (1057- 1081AD), through Ren, Ying, and Shen Zong. Its outstanding achievement included correcting and completing eleven books from ”Jia You Ben Cao” to ”SuWen”. This research discusses the editing personnel toward their status, background, and working situation. The outcome shows that: the status of editing personnel was mainly civil officials, and medical officials played the role of assistants. In addition, at least three civil officials cooperated to finish a book in most circumstances. Moreover, civil officials like Yi Lin and Bao-Heng Gao were both familiar with medicine, and they took in charge of all the proofreading work except for ”Ben Cao Tu Jing”.
