  • 期刊


The Abdominal Diagnosis in the Book of "Zu Bing Yuan Hou Lung"




《諸病源候論》 腹診 癥瘕 積聚


Palpation is one of the Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosis, in which was the process of examining pulse and abdomen. TCM abdominal diagnosis originated in the "Canon of Internal Medicine" (Huang Di Nei ling). Influenced by the feudal ethics, most of the TCM doctors paid more attention to the pulse and tongue based examinations. With the progress of the times, less use in clinical make abdominal diagnosis to be neglect. "Zu Bing Yuan Hou Lung" is the earliest classic on etiology and symptomatology in China. It regardless of prescription, but emphasize traction, massage and qi. The book is not designed for abdominal diagnosis chapter discusses, but most of the symptoms are the use of it. The purpose of the present will discuss the abdominal consultation principle, methods, area and application of abdominal diagnosis in the book "Zu Bing Yuan Hou Lung". A content analysis of abdominal diagnosis in the "Canon of Internal Medicine" and "Zu Bing Yuan Hou Lung" was conducted. In addition, recent abdomen-related medicalliterature on modern day was examined. The result showed that abdominal diagnosis described in "Zu Bing Yuan Hou Lung" is not just about palpation. In fact it includes four examinations: inspection, olfaction, inquiry and palpation. It benefits the clinical medicine and enriches determination of treatment based on differentiation of syndromes and broadens four examinations. The study suggested that clinicians can follow the principle of abdominal diagnosis in "Zu Bing Yuan Hou Lung" to enrich their diagnosis effect.


