  • 期刊


The Exhibition Functions of a Science Museum


Foreword Museums are generally recognized to have four primary functions-collection, research, exhibition and education. For science and technology museums the exhibition and educational functions are particularly important, especially as exhibition are the first line of contact with museum visitors. The word 'exhibition' means to present an object or an idea to the public by putting it out in a pre-arranged setting that will help them to understand its meaning. A health food magazine editor in Japan defines a display as a ”method for bring a person and an idea together that requires a displayed object and a display venue.” Museum exhibition have several special features including the technology and media employed, and the knowledge, thought, inspiration and feelings that are contained in their messages. Putting all the above together we can see all the various relationships between the museum and the people who come to see its exhibits. The Special Characteristics of Different kinds of Museum Every museum, regardless of what type of museum it may be, exists primarily to deliver information to its visitors. In an art museum the paintings and sculptures on display help to create a feeling for art in the visitors, even if the specifics of the feelings will vary from person to person. In a museum of history the visitor sees objects from another time period that will give one an idea of the background of the time. In a science and technology museum, however, the exhibitions are designed primarily to present some scientific principle or effect with less emphasis on any kind of emotional involvement. Thus the most important things to keep in mind in delivering the information in a science and technology exhibition are understanding and interaction. Exhibition Types through the Years Prior to the 17th century the only things resembling museums were the private collections of wealthy families, which were rarely put on public display. At the end of the 17th century some collections were opened up to outsiders but only in the form of crude displays. By the end of the 18th century science and technology museums were beginning to move away from historical displays to exhibits of the current state of the art. They thus took on an added dimension as an educational experience for visitors. With the 20th century science and technology museums have put a much greater emphasis on involvement. This latest development in exhibitions means that the designer must pay a lot more attention to the needs and preferences of the visitor in planning exhibition. Exhibition Functions and Objectives of Science and Technology Museums. 1. To deliver information and communicate with the public Exhibition is the process of transmitting information. The exhibition designer selects one or more media to use in introducing a scientific principle or technology to the public. Larger museums strive to develop exhibits which will create a close, relaxed environment to stimulate the visit to learn more about the subject at hand. If the information contained in a exhibit is not complete the visitor will feel unsatisfied; while if it is wrong the viewer may find contradictions between the display and what he or she already knows. These situations should be avoided at all costs. When the contents, images, spaces, colors, lighting and other factors in an exhibit are all present and well coordinated there is little chance that the visitor will miss the intended message of the exhibition. The designer must always keep in mind how the visitor will react to the exhibit. This means paying attention to things such as the visitor's cultural background, education level, preferences and other factors in preparing the contents of exhibition. This will ensure the best communications with the visitor. 2. To enhance technological literacy Too many people still hold the opinion that 'science is best left to the scientist.' Actually, this shunting off of responsibility can be avoided by developing sound scientific concepts in the public. Some potentially troublesome situations should be noted closely, including basic misunderstandings of science and what it can do. The more people know about science, the easier it will be for them to maintain rational views about science and policies related to science. Exhibition in science and technology museums can help to resolve some of the problems encountered in school. Students can sometimes learn more readily when they are removed from the pressure of a class schedule and grades. 3. Stimulating visitors to learn more about science and technology The people who develop and operate museums are always happy when their work inspires people to go out and explore a subject further on their own. And what they fear most is that after putting a great deal of effort into displays it will all simply be lost on the visitor. Studies have shown that most people are readily capable of absorbing and understanding the information that is contained in museum displays. At the same time, research indicates that, given the same amount of time and involvement, they gain more from classes and books then they do from visits to a museum. But then, how often do people willingly go off to take a course in science or pick up a book on the latest technology in comparison to their willingness to visit a museum? This is a problem which deserves further attention. Curricula and books present a well thought out and comprehensive approach to scientific subjects, but people everywhere tend to be intimidated by heavy school loads and thick science textbooks. The value of museum exhibits here is that they can inspire interest in a subject and cause people to explore it on their own to gain experience and knowledge. This can help to make up for gaps in their education. Conclusion Simply put, the main point in exhibition is to present information to visitors to the museum. Some problems must be addressed before this information is offered up. The museum must do more than just display things to the public-it also has roles to fill in collecting, research and education. If it fails to carry out these aspects of its work then it will be hard for it to convey of its findings to the public through its exhibition. In addition, museum exhibits should not be a one-way communication. The display designer develops exhibits for the viewer and needs feedback from the viewer to know how effective the displays have been. This feedback can be used to fine-tune existing exhibits and to make even better exhibits in the future.





