  • 期刊


A Proposal for Strategic Planning System of Museum Exhibition Renewal



徒有意志力不能移山,要有推土機才行。如果說意志力代表使命,那麼推土機就是策略。策略是企業在競爭場中求生存的方法,也是博物館追求永續經營的關鍵。 博物館為了增加參觀人數及持續吸引觀眾,展示更新是一個必要的作法。任一博物館遲早都要面臨展示更新的課題,然而博物館之展示更新作業相當的龐雜繁瑣,計畫之前必先要有策略規劃,以為行動的指導原則及資源分配的依據。本文提出「GEARS」的展示更新策略規劃系統以為思考架構,它代表博物館展示更新決策考量的五個步驟,意即:博物館的展示為了達成某一目的(G),經由環境(E)的分析與觀眾(A)的研究,在資源(R)分配優先次序的考量下,形成一適當的展示更新策略(S)「GEARS」模式適合科學博物館之展示更新及展示開發決策考量,亦適合其他類型博物館之展示決策思考。 在變動的年代,面對新環境的挑戰,博物館必要有新思維,做好策略規劃,方能突破困境,永續經營,而博物館之展示更新在經過一層層因素的剖析下,方向將逐漸地清晰明朗,可以避免遭遇漫無目標或力量分散的危險。


To move a mountain, having the will is not enough. You also need a bulldozer. The will represents the sense of mission and the bulldozer is the strategy. Strategy is necessary for an enterprise to survive in a competitive market. With the same token, strategy is the key factor for sustainable management of a museum. To increase the number of visitors and to continue attracting audience, a museum has to renew its exhibitions. Sooner or later, any museum will face the task of exhibition renewal. However, it takes a lot of work to renew an exhibition; thus, before making any plan, strategic planning is needed to provide action guidelines and references for resource allocation. This article proposed ”GEARS”, a strategic planning system for exhibition renewal to inspire further thoughts. ”GEARS” represents five steps of consideration for a museum to renew its exhibitions. In other words, to reach a certain goal (G) of an exhibition, the museum should analyze the environment (E), study the audience (A) and consider the allocation of resources (R) to form an appropriate exhibition renewal strategy (S). The model of ”GEARS” can help a science museum to renew its exhibitions and develop new exhibitions. In addition, the model can also help other types of museum to conduct policy thinking for exhibition renewal. In an ever-changing era and facing challenges in a new environment, a museum has to have new thinking and good strategic planning to meet new challenges for sustainable management. By analyzing various factors influencing a exhibition renewal of the museum, the direction of the museum will gradually become clear, which helps the museum to avoid the danger of having no specific goal or strength dispersion.


