  • 期刊


Developing Learning Programs in Nature and Living Technology for a Museum-based Learning Environment



學生觀眾一直是國內博物館的主要觀眾群,近二十年來,各博物館也針對學生設計各式的活動單或學習單,作為教師運用博物館教學時的重要參考。在九無一貫課程全面實施後,教師們有較多的彈性組識課程,更可以運用多元化的教學方法,因而對於教學資源需求更為殷切。博物館作為學生們非正式學習的場域,適時提供符合新課程的輔助教材或有助於師生實施新課程時的幫助。本文主要目的除探討博物館如何作為學生學習場域之外,並以新課程中的自然與生活科技」領域之具體活動方案的發展為例,探討博物館如何運用其展示的資源,發展主題式的活動方案,以供中小學師生進行單元教學時的輔助教材。 從文獻探討、相關實例分析可知以博物館為學習場域確實有其發展性。而本研究發展之活動方案的實際試用反應來看,確實受到教師們的肯定,惟學生運用的實際功效仍待進一步的實證研究。另從研究者參與活動方案的編製歷程中發現,雖然以教育部訂定的暫行綱要挑選出主題進行編製,但因教師對整合後的新課程的教學仍有諸多疑慮,活動方案的編撰仍多以博物館的展示內容為主,與課程的連結有限,如希望建構博物館成為學生學習的場域,實需教育研究人員進一步的努力與研究以建立學校課程與博物館展示內容的連結。


For decades, visiting science museums has become one of the most important approaches for students learning science. At the same time, museums have also tried to develop all kinds of instruments for students to learn from exhibits. For example, the worksheet is an important learning device to help students learn in museums. As the 9-year integrated curriculum proclaims, there is an urgent need for teaching resource. This study uses the example of the ”Nature and Living Technology” curriculum to develop a theme-base learning program. The learning program includes worksheets and lesson plans for teachers to use as conveniently as possible. There are two major purposes of this study. First of all is to investigate the function and effectiveness of the museum as a learning environment. Second, the theory and practice of developing learning programs of nature and living technology is also conducted. By reviewing the literature and studying some cases, there is no doubt that museums could be learning environments for students, The data collected from questionnaires shows that the learning programs are mostly well received by teachers. But, an empirical study is needed to assess the effectiveness of learning. Because the new curriculum has been put into practice for only one year, teachers still feel confused about the integrated curriculum and struggle to find the right approaches to teach it. Therefore, the learning program of this study mostly focuses on the content of museum exhibits. In order to establish the museum as a learning environment for students, more studies and work is needed to build the linkage between the school curriculum and museum exhibits.


吳金桃(1992)。美國貝瑟娜·格林【Bethnal Green】童年博物館及其藝術研習坊。博物館學季刊。6(1),23-27。
