  • 期刊


A Study on the Effects of the Museum's Technology Creative Activities on Students' Learning of Technological Concepts



科學博物館於寒暑假期間推行科技創作活動已行之有年,惟博物館在辦理教育活動時,因非制式學習的特性,無法提供長時間的課程,與學生觀眾的關係也不及學校那般密切,因而學生觀眾之學習成效一直未見具體之研究報告。本文以參加國立科學工藝博物館2006年暑期辦理「動力機械車」營隊活動的學員為研究對象,進行學習成效的分析研究。 本研究運用布魯姆的知識分類方式分析「動力機械車」科技創作活動中所具備科技概念,並據以發展問卷量測學員在活動前與活動後,科技概念的改變以及問題解決策略的選擇,期評估樣本學生在參與創作活動後的學習成效。研究結果發現: 1.在整體科技概念的表現上,國小組與國中組的樣本學生均有顯著成長。 2.在「特有名詞的概念」、「程序的概念」、及「原理/原則/方法」等三種科技概念的個別表現,兩組樣本學生均有顯著成長。 3.問題解決策略的選擇部份,僅國小組學生在「自己實驗看看」部份具有顯著的改變。


博物館 科技概念 科技創作


It has been years that the science and technology museums start to promote technology creative activities during the summer and winter vacation. Due to the reason that the educational activities conduct at the museum differ from the formal education that provide lectures of long duration and the connection between the students and the museum is not as firm as with the school, thus the research on the effectiveness of the student's learning at the museum has not been fully developed into a complete report. This article took the students who joined the ”Motor-Driven Cars Summer Camp” in summer of 2006, conducted by the National Science and Technology Museum as the research target and performed analysis research on the learning effectiveness of these students. This study applied the Bloom's taxonomy for learning to analyze the technological concepts embedded in the activity, and later developed surveys for the students to answer before and after the activity. This survey study was used to understand the change in the target students' technological concepts and problem solving approaches before and after the activity, and the effectiveness of the learning process after joining the creative activities. The research findings showed that: 1. On demonstrating the technological concepts as a whole, the target students from the primary school group and junior high school group showed a significant improvement. 2. Both target student groups showed significant improvement on demonstrating the three individual concepts of ”technical terms”, ”processes”, and ”theory/rules/method”. 3. As for making the problem solving approaches, only the primary school group showed significant change in the ”Do It Yourself” part of the activity.


