  • 期刊


Exploring the Impact of Augmented Reality M-Learning on Learning Style and Learning Efficiency in the Museum Guide.


傳統的導覽多以專人、語音服務為主,隨著科技進步與人潮需求增加,演變出民眾自行導覽的模式,加上行動學習的風潮,普及於各領域,因此,本研究以導覽模式與學習風格為自變項,觀察學習者之學習成效差異,並深入討論擴增情境式行動學習運用在行動導覽的結果。研究工具的導覽模式以網站、手冊、擴增實境三者來設計,學習風格量表以VAK(Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic Learning Styles)量表作為依據,分成視覺型、聽覺型、動覺型。研究結果發現手冊導覽組之學習成效最佳。另外,導覽組別在不同學習風格之學習成效有明顯差異,最後,結合擴增實境式的行動學習對提高學習動機與投入程度較佳。


The traditional guide was mainly based on people and voice-based services. With the progress of technology and the evolving needs of the crowd moving from the Self-Navigation mode towards the popular M-learning mode in various fields, the study takes the navigating mode and learning style as the independent variable to observe learners' learning effect, and discuss in-depth results of Augmented Reality M-Learning on the guided tour. During this research the participants were divided into three separate groups, each using a different a mode of navigation. The three modes of navigation used were websites from a remote location, handbook, and augmented reality. We used the VAK(Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic Learning Styles ) scale to classify the participants into 'visual type', 'auditory type' and 'kinesthetic type'. This research found that different experimental groups all had significant influence and whilst those in the 'handbook navigation group' had the best learning efficiency, it was found that M-learning combined with Augmented Reality can give better impact to learning motivation and immersion.


魏忠香(2017)。兒童美語教學創新與發展之研究 -以A美語機構為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201704421
