  • 期刊


The Study of Analyzing the Exhibition Design of Science and Technology with the Viewpoints of Technology History: Take "Industrial History of Taiwan" as an Example



策展人藉由各種展示手段,透過歷史脈絡來詮釋科技史概念,建構新舊之間的對話。在規劃一套理想的展示內容架構與展示方式時,一般常忽略科技本身的第二層外延意義,即技術史內涵(Connotation)的技術演進與社會、文化關聯。本研究欲檢討科學技術於保存觀念下的「展示」(Exhibition)概念,在此相關議題上,所牽涉到之博物館化「展示」觀點為主要論述,針對科學展示目的、展示手法,爰引學者傅柯(Michel Foucault)的權力與知識、馬庫塞(Herbert Marcuse)技術的意識型態及學者葛蘭西(Antonio Gramsci)文化霸權觀念。排除展示設計手法或展示評估的考察,著重於「展示」中的「技術型態/社會關聯」的探討;對囿於傳統科學之既有「展示」觀念提出另一思維。本論文共提出五個展示命題來檢視科學博物館在表達技術的脈絡上,對觀眾是否有深刻的思考及對話空間,作為未來展示規劃的參考。


The curator tries to bridge the dialogue between new and old generation employing different exhibition concepts for showing sequential technology development through history context. When planning an ideal exhibition content structure and methodology, people often ignore the extent meaning of the second layer of the science and technology itself: the relationship among technology evolution, society and culture concept for the technological history connotation. This study tries to discuss the content of science and technology under the conservative concept of museum exhibition. About this related subject, the key concept is that what should be available for the museum exhibition when talking about the philosophy of technology? This study has tried to cite some scholars' remarks such as Foucault's power and knowledge, Marcuse's technological ideaology, Gramsci's theory of hegemony, to review the purpose and methodology of science and technology exhibition. It also focuses on how to represent the interactive context of technology and sociology for the museum, rather than how to explore the exhibition design and evaluation. Finally, the authors try to present a new science exhibition concept which is different from the traditional one. The paper proposes five exhibition themes to check the issue when science museum tries to show the context of technology, whether there are more widely dialog and thinking space for the museum visitors. And this result can be referred for future exhibition planning.


