  • 期刊


A Study on Children Education Needs in the National Science and Technology Museum



現代博物館業務的重心,已轉移到展示與教育。十九世紀末期,以兒童為本位的教育思想興起,兒童教育受到重視,全世界的兒童博物館已經有六千多座,重視兒童教育的美國已有三百座以上,先進國家對於兒童文化教育的重視可見一斑(黃偲琪,2005)。 以兒童教育來看,兒童經常在教育機構或父母的引導下前往博物館。美國博物館協會(American Association of Museums, AAM)曾指出,參觀博物館的經驗就是廣義的教育經驗。目前各國對於博物館兒童教育的思維趨勢,除了逐步將其納入正式教學課程外,並以兒童需求為主,希望他們在館方教育人員的引導下,透過數位科技、角色扮演、觸摸實做,以及遊戲學習等,在歡樂的過程中學習與探索各種知識。 本研究採問卷調查法,以高雄市國立科學工藝博物館(簡稱工博館)為研究場域,主要發現如下: 一、兒童最需要父母親陪伴參觀博物館。 二、在「兒童科學園」環境規劃、主題展示效果及兒童本位特性各方面,兒童與陪伴者的需求認知均較館員高。 三、在「科教活動方面」,陪伴者與兒童普遍認為辦理活動以假日為宜。 四、在「服務方面」,兒童及陪伴者普遍認為「服務人員態度親切」。 五、陪伴者認為兒童在參觀時需要專業導覽人員解說。 六、陪伴者認為工博館應增加舉辦親子活動次數。 七、陪伴者對於工博館應多久辦理兒童工博館教育活動並無定見,但有三成認為以每月二次以下為宜。 八、多數受訪者希望工博館教育活動的主講者為博物館館員。 九、多數受訪者認為兒童最喜歡的工博館展示內容是兒童科學園。 十、多數受訪者希望工博館辦理的兒童教育是科學遊戲。 十一、多數受訪者喜歡工博館以電子信件提供活動訊息。 十二、影響陪伴者帶孩子參觀工博館的因素中,「展示內容多元性」、「教育活動屬性」及「活動品質」分佔前三名。


兒童 博物館 兒童教育 陪伴者


The focus of modern museum business has shifted to the exhibition and education. At the end of the nineteenth century, the children-based educational thought was on the rise, so children education has been taken seriously. There are over 6,000 children's museums around the world, and there are more than 300 in the United States. The importance of children education in the modern countries can be clearly recognized (Ssu-Chi Huang, 2005). Children usually go to the museum under the guidance of educational institutions or their parents. American Association of Museums (AAM) has pointed out that the museum experience is a broad education experience. At present, the trend for children education in museum has gradually incorporated into the formal education curriculum on children's needs. In the museum, children can enjoy the process of learning and exploring a variety of knowledge guided by the staff, through digital technology, roleplaying, and learning by touching and game-playing. This study reports a survey conducted in the National Science and Technology Museum in Kaohsiung. The major findings are as follows: 1. Children always need their parents' accompany for their museum visit. 2. Children and their parents show higher need for cognition than the staff in the environmental planning, the effect of display and children-based features in Children's Science Center. 3. In the ”scientific and educational activities”, parents think it is more appropriate to have activities on holidays. 4. In the ”services”, parents generally appreciate the cordial attitude of the staff. 5. Parents think it is necessary for children to get the instruction from the professional tour guide. 6. Parents think the museum should increase the number of parentchild activities. 7. Parents show no opinion about the frequency of activities for children, but 30% of them think not more than twice a month are appropriate. 8. The majority of the respondents prefer the speaker of educational activities to be the staff. 9. Most of the respondents believe that children's favorite exhibition is Children's Science Center. 10. The majority of the respondents hope the educational activities for children are science games. 11. The majority of the respondents like to receive museum messages by e-mail. 12. The top three factors for parents who choose to visit the museum are the diversity of exhibition, the type and the quality of educational activities.


children museums children education accompany


