  • 期刊


Exhibition-Based Museum Educational Activities: A Case Study of Practices on KidsSTOP, Science Centre Singapore


教育活動早已成為博物館中重要的存在,近年來教育活動的主題與形式更因應博物館服務範疇與時代趨勢而日漸多元,亦時常能為博物館創造短暫的人流,然而在國內博物館各式各樣豐富的教育活動裡,如何達到博物館教育活動的常態性以建構長期穩定的參與,或許是現今博物館發揮教育功能之際更須存在的提醒。本研究以新加坡科學中心附設兒童科學館(KidsSTOP)的教育實踐出發,探討該館所推動之常態博物館教育課程「玩科學!」(Science Play!),此教育課程藉由參與者回饋逐年進行課程內容修正,至今已發展出12項主題長期提供校園參與選擇。本文將以案例研究方式,透過筆者實際參與經驗,說明該館如何將博物館的展示現場與教育課程進行結合,並探究此教育課程多年來能穩定持續執行之關鍵。此外,本研究也進一步分析該館教育活動規劃要點與教育人員進行模式等,提出對台灣博物館教育活動策劃之反思與建議。期透過本研究引動博物館教育人員與相關從業者,一同重新檢視博物館教育活動之核心精神,共同省思教育活動背後之價值與提升永續思維的多重可能性。


Nowadays, educational activities are essential to museums. And in recent years, the themes and forms of such activities have become more and more diverse, in accordance with museums' scopes of services and the latest societal trends. Such a wide range of museum educational activities in Taiwan can attract more visitors for a short while and exert museums' educational functions. Nevertheless, how to ensure the long-term, stable participation of the public is perhaps a more vital subject to deal with. Based on the educational practices of KidsSTOP, Science Centre Singapore, the study focuses on "Science Play!" a regular curriculum promoted by the centre. "Science Play!" is modified annually according to participant feedback, and it has so far developed 12 themes for schools to choose from. By looking at a few cases and the author's personal participation at the centre, this study explains the ways that Science Centre Singapore uses to bring exhibitions and curriculums together. It also tries to find out why "Science Play!" can be held so steadily throughout the years. In addition, this study analyses the centre's points for planning educational activities and the models educators take to hold the activities and lists reflections and suggestions for planning museum educational activities in Taiwan. It is hoped that the study can inspire museum educators and relevant professionals to examine the true spirits of museum educational activities again, contemplate the values of such activities, and try out all possible practices to enhance sustainable thinking in museums.


李靜芳(2007)。回首來時路:20 年來的臺灣博物館教育。博物館學季刊,21(2),7-33。
