  • 期刊


A Case Study of the Inter-Faith Dialogue between China Lutheran Theological Seminary and Modern Zen


本文的主題是「宗教交談」,並藉由中華信義神學院和現代禪自2000年開始,持續到2002年的對話為例進行分析。 在本文之中,首先處理的是宗教交談的規則問題,對於兩個不同宗教團體而言,雖然彼此間宗教交談所關注的是教義性的問題,但那些隱藏在背後的交談規則,卻往往影響著交談是否能夠順利進行,因此本文首要就著重於處理這兩個宗教團體彼此之問交談規則的問題。 其次,本文的分析重點在於這個交談的案例中,彼此間的交談主題,針對這種主題性的分析,筆者的目的不在分出彼此間對談的高下,而是要藉著這些主題的分析過程,指出宗教交談的一項難題,就在於宗教交談是以語言進行交談,然而每一種宗教語言都有其特色,這些具有不同特色的宗教語言之問的交談,其所呈現的最根本問題,就是近代詮釋學所關心的「詮釋」問題。也就是交談中的任何一方,總是會以自身宗教語言的特性,來詮釋對方的宗教語言,從而構成詮釋時的障礙。要解決這障礙並非一件易事,必須雙方不斷的在交談中溝通,才有可能跨過。 針對中華信義神學院和現代禪的交談案例,已有學者吳言生為文分析,只是吳言生的分析有一些觀點筆者並不同意,因此本文也有一部分是針對吳言生的分析,進行不同觀點的探討。


宗教交談 上帝 梵天


This study demonstrates a new aspect of the inter-faith dialogue through a case study on the inter-faith dialogue between China Lutheran Theological Seminary and Modern Zen which was held between 2000 and 2002. This study attempts to deal with the rules of the inter-faith dialogue and argues that although the dogmatic questions are the main dialogue issues between two religious groups, the dialogue is influenced by the rules. Thus the primary task of this study is to examine the dialogue rule between two religious groups. Second, the study of the dialogue issues is one of the main purposes. However, superiority or inferiority is not the main issue in the study. In the study, I argue that because religious language has its own unique characteristic, it becomes one of the difficult issues in the inter-faith dialogue which is similar to the fundamental interpretation questions in contemporary hermeneutics. In the dialogue, religious group uses its own unique language to interpret other religious groups'. There is a barrier in the dialogue. Nonstop dialogue between two religious groups is the only way to remove this barrier. One of the most recent studies of the inter-faith dialogue between China Lutheran Theological Seminary and Modern Zen is Wu, Yuan-shen's article. However, I disagree with some of his point of views. Therefore, the main task of this study is to use Wu's as an example of a current trend to re-examine the study of the inter-faiths dialogue.


inter-faith dialogue God Brahma


