  • 期刊


The Localization and Globalization of the Religions Coming from Mainland China in the Post-war Period-Take I-Kuan Tao as an Example


近年來,大陸來台宗教的在地化問題,已成為台灣宗教研究的議題,英國羅伯森(R. Robertson)於1994年提出「全球在地化」(glocalization)的概念,為此一議題提供了更寬廣的思考。本文將以一貫道為例,結合「在地化」與「全球化」的概念,探討近年從台灣向世界各地快速發展的一貫道,其呈現出來的在地化與全球化現象,或能對此一議題提供更全面性的了解。 1945至1949年間,大約一百位一貫道的前人來台傳教,三十年後的1980年代,發展成為擁有百萬信眾的新興宗教。其後的二十多年間,一貫道快速向海外傳教,至2008年已傳播至八十多國,擁有數千萬信眾的大宗教。一貫道的成功例子,所呈現出來的在地化與全球化不容忽視,是此一議題上不可缺席的部份,為本文探討的主要目的。在分析上,試著從一貫道六十多年來的發展過程,理出其走向「在地化」與「全球化」的模式,筆者發現其模式有其獨特性,就現有的在地化與全球化的理論中,很難找到完全符合的解釋依據。 在引用的材料上,近年新編纂的「民間宗教天書訓文資料庫」,其中典藏7766部的一貫道訓文,是本文主要的分析材料。這些天書訓文記錄了一貫道從台灣到世界的發展足跡,更是研究此一議題的最佳材料。R. Robertson認為,面對此一「全球化」的趨勢,與國際接軌,才能創造更大利基的觀念,從一貫道的發展過程中也可以得到同樣的啟示。


Recently, the localization of the religions coming from Mainland China has become the issue of Taiwan religion study. R. Robertson has raised the concept of ”glocalization” in 1994, which provided the issue a broader way. Taking I-Kuan Tao as an example and combining the notions of ”localization” and ”globalization”, this article is to discuss the worldwide swift development of I-Kuan Tao. It presents the phenomena of ”localization” and ”globalization”, and may provides the better comprehensive understanding for the issue. From 1945 to 1949, about 100 I-Kuan Tao Senior Elders came to Taiwan for Tao propagation. After 30 years, in 1980, it had become a new religion with a million followers. From 1980 to 2000, I-Kuan Tao had speedily preached religion. Until 2008, it has spread to more than 80 countries, and become a large religion with more than ten million believers. The successful example of the ”localization” and ”globalization” of I-Kuan Tao cannot be ignored. It is an important role in this issue, and is the main purpose of this article. The research material is from ”The Database of Holy Revelation of Popular Religion”, and it has collected 7766 Holy Relevations from I-Kuan Tao. These Holy Revelations have recorded the trace that I-Kuan Tao has developed from Taiwan to the world, and they are the best material for the research. R. Robertson thinks that facing the trend of ”globalization” and connect the world may create a larger niche. The concept also has proven by the development of I-Kuan Tao.


I-Kuan Tao Localization Globalization Glocalization




