  • 期刊


"Not only Pope Francis but also the Church Helps the Poor Fight Poverty"- A Case Study Based on Gerardus van der Leeuw's Typological Phenomenology


宗教現象學是當代宗教研究中的主要方法之一,而本文所使用的宗教現象學是范德雷(Gerardus van der Leeuw,1890-1950)之類型學(typological phenomenology)宗教現象學方法,從呈現於世上可見的宗教現象著手。本文並配合文獻分析法(Document Analysis)來進行,試圖探討身為「第一位成為教宗的南美洲人、耶穌會士、取名方濟各」的現任教宗方濟各(Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Pope Francis)「協助窮人」之行動顯示出「教會跟窮人站在同一陣線」的本質。本文的目的是試圖藉由范德雷的類型學現象學研究方式的視角,從呈現於世的現象,也就是宗教主體(行動的宗教團體與宗教),以及宗教的客體(宗教行為所指涉的對象)之間的關係作一探討,最終將此宗教行動現象所指涉的對象瞭解出來。本文首先概括地描述宗教現象學並簡述范德雷式的類型現象學;再藉由教宗方濟各對窮人所做的協助行動之現象,與其目前的通諭及相關著作進行文獻分析;最後藉由范德雷現象學的透析,將「教宗方濟各對窮人所做的協助行動」之現象,其本質理解為「教會與窮人站在同一陣線」。


Phenomenology of religion is one of the major approaches within religious studies today; the religious phenomenology used in this paper is the typological religious phenomenology of Gerardus van der Leeuw. The religious phenomena which appear in the world are used as the starting point. And with the Document Analysis, this paper attempts to discuss the actions of Pope Francis, the first Latin American, Jesuit, and named Francis, who leads the Roman Catholic Church and helps the poor. His action, "helping the poor" shows the essence of the Church, "helping the poor to fight poverty." This paper aims to use the views of Gerardus van der Leeuw's typological phenomenology, from the present phenomenon of religion, to examine the relationship between religious subjects (religious institution’ actions) and the object of religion (the object of religious actions). And eventually it is hoped to understand the meaning of the religious action. The first part of this paper describes the religious phenomenology and the Gerardus van der Leeuw's typological phenomenology briefly, and then analyzes the phenomena of the "Pope Francis’ helping the poor" by examining current encyclical and related writings. Finally, this paper tries to use the thought of Gerardus van der Leeuw's typological phenomenology to take the essence of the phenomenon of "Pope Francis’ helping the poor" as "the Church’s helping the poor to fight poverty."


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