  • 期刊


The French New Novelist Robbe-Grillet and the Dehumanization of Contemporary Chinese Literature: Case study on the literature of 1960s and 70s Hong Kong and 1980s China


本文首先會追溯「非人性化」在西方文學的表現,集中在新小說家羅伯-格里耶(Alain Robbe-Grillet)的創作和評論,說明他如何顛覆西方文學長期以來的「人類中心主義」(anthropocentricism)。其次,本文會梳理「新小說」和羅伯-格里耶在中文世界的翻譯和影響情況,並嘗試說明為甚麼這些中文作家在不同時空和脈絡下會對羅氏的「新小說」實驗產生興趣。香港文學較早於六十年代就受到「新小說」影響,並出現了劉以鬯、西西、也斯等人的文學實驗,在模仿非人格化技巧的同時,各有不同程度的改造及轉化。及至八十年代中以後,中國當代作家也集體受到「新小說」的衝擊,先鋒派及新寫實主義小說都在不同程度上吸收了「非人性化」的精神和技巧,但是兩者都與羅伯-格里耶原初的非人性化有所不同。本文會比較「新小說」的原型與這些中文作品,嘗試概括他們對「非人性化」傾向的挪用與轉化,初步勾勒出一個當代中文文學「非人性化」文學實驗的譜系。


法國新小說 非人性化 劉以鬯 西西 也斯 余華


This paper traces the "dehumanization" in Western literature and focuses on how the French New Novelist Alain Robbe-Grillet criticized anthropocentrism in literature. Then the paper examines the introduction and translation of the "nouveau roman" and Robbe-Grillet in the 1960s and 70s Hong Kong and 1980s China while explaining why these Chinese writers were attracted to nouveau roman at the time. Hong Kong was fast to respond to the emergence of nouveau roman in the early 1960s. Several writers such as Liu Yichang, Xixi and Yesi adapted but also transformed the literary devices of dehumanization in different ways and degrees in their works. Later in the 1980s, contemporary writers in mainland China received a delayed shock wave of the nouveau roman. The avant-garde and neo-realist novelists absorbed the literary practice of dehumanization. The paper compares the original assertion of Robbe-Grillet with these Chinese works, and builds towards a genealogy of the dehumanization in contemporary Chinese literature.


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