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Preserving Studies to Protect the Nation, Starting from Philology: Starting from the Achievements of Philology of three Members of Southern Society, Ma Xu-lun, Hu Pu-an, and Huang Kan




南社 國粹 國學 文字學 馬敘倫 黃侃 胡樸安


Founded in the first year of Xiantong Emperor of Qing dynasty (1909), Southern Society was a literary group advocating a revolution, which aimed to topple the rule of Qing dynasty. And its cultural thoughts were ”reviving the soul of the nation, and promoting the quintessence of the national culture.” Although it was a literary group, it was deeply associated with Chinese national culture and national quintessence. As members of Southern Society, Ma Xu-lun, Hu Pu-an, and Huang Kan lived in the crisis of survival of the nation at the end of Qing dynasty. They advocated the revolution to topple the rule of the Man people, calling for the rise of the national soul. In addition, as scholars, they studied Chinese national culture, and promoted the quintessence of the nation. And later, on the path of academic study they returned to the unique and fundamental study of Chinese national culture, that is, philology. Starting from the study of Shuowen, they eventually planted a fruitful garden of academic studies, leaving treasures of cultural legacy for the field of Chinese national culture at the beginning years of the ROC. This was indeed a great representation of the cultural spirit of Southern Society, which upheld ”the rise of the national soul and the promotion of Chinese national culture.” Also this appeared as an important footnote for the cultural spirit of Southern Society, that is, ”preserving studies to protect the nation, starting from philology.”


Southern Society Ma Xu-lun Hu Pu-an Huang Kan


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