  • 期刊


Literary Criticism as Methodology of Literary Study-Exemplifying with Zhu Ziqing's Critical Works




文學批評 批評史 羅根澤 韋勒克 朱自清


”Literary Criticism” is a prevalent subject of study in the literature curriculum of many universities in Taiwan and Hong Kong nowadays. The introduction of this ”modern” and ”western” concept into the discipline of Chinese study is meant to equip the teaching and learning of literature with methodology and analytical skills. In the same vein, the subsequent development of ”Chinese history of literary criticism” aims to explore how literature is approached and understood in the past. Therefore, the study of literary criticism, together with the study of history of criticism, is not exclusive and autonomous, but conducive to the study of literature proper. This paper examines the emergence of the concept of ”literary criticism” in modern China, and the way it enhances the study of Chinese literature in university, exemplifying with the critical works of Zhu Ziqing.


陳國球(2013)。抒情中國論。香港=Hong Kong:三聯書店=Sanlian shudian。
朱自清 Zhu Ziqing:〈詩文評的發展〉“Shiwenping de fazhan”,《讀書通訊》Dushu tongxun113 期(1946 年),頁14-17。
蘇雪林Su Xuelin:〈舊時的「詩文評」是否也算得文學批評?〉“Jiushi de 'shiwenping' shi fou ye suan de wenxue piping?”,鄭振鐸 Zheng Zhenduo、傅東華 Fu Donghua 編:《文學百題》Wenxue baiti(上海[Shanghai]:生活書店[Shenghuo shudian],1935 年),頁282-287
朗損 Lang Sun(茅盾Mao Dun):〈文學批評管見一〉“Wenxue piping guanjian yi”,《小說月報》Xiaoshuoyuebao13 卷 8 期(1922 年),頁2-3
茅盾 Mao Dun:〈改革宣言〉“Gaige xuanyan”,《小說月報》Xiaoshuo yuebao12 卷1 期(1921年),頁3
