  • 期刊


A Study of Zhang Taiyan's Writings on the Book of Documents




Zhang Taiyan, the eminent scholar of the Late Qing and Early Republican Period, wrote a number of works related to the "Book of Documents". During his lifetime, he published two monographs: "The Ancient Script Documents according to Sima Qian" and "Notes on the Ancient Script Documents". In addition to these academic accomplishments, he also composed several short pieces on the canonical text, and often referred to it in his scholarly correspondences. About two years after his death, his student Zhu Zugeng, drawing on Zhang's lectures and other related writings, compiled the work, "The Book of Documents according to Zhang Taiyan". However, this work was not published until almost eighty years later after Zhang's death, by Zhonghua shuju in 2013. Zhu's compilation of Zhang's works is an admirable one, bringing together a large body of materials. But there are still some omissions that I would like to bring attention to. The aim of the present study is to identify and date among Zhang's writings those discussions related to the "Book of Documents". With this paper, it is hoped that the future scholars can compile a more comprehensive collection of Zhang's writings on the "Book of Documents".


王小紅選編(2011)。章太炎儒學論集。成都=Chengdou:四川大學出版社=Sichuan daxue chubanshe。
馬勇編(2003)。章太炎書信集。石家莊=Shijiazhuang:河北人民出版社=Hebei renmin chubanshe。
章太炎Zhang Taiyan:《太史公古文尚書說》Taishigong guwenshangshu shuo,北平 Beiping,1933 年,收於《章氏叢書續編》Zhangshicongshu xubian本)。
章太炎Zhang Taiyan:《古文尚書拾遺》Guwen shangshu shiyi,北平 Beiping,1933 年,收於《章氏叢書續編》Zhangshicongshu xubian 本。
章太炎(1982)。章太炎全集。上海=Shanghai:上海人民出版社=Shanghai renmin chubanshe。
