  • 期刊


The Lineage and Discourse of Teaching and Learning in the "Variorum of the Four Books"




Many scholars and editors contributed to the project of the "Explanatory Notes to the Five Classics" in Tang Dynasty. The studies on the scholars and editors are however relatively scarce, because little historical records on them are available. To bridge the gap, this paper aims to look into the life of Ma Chia-Yun, one of the famous scholars who participated in the project, so as to provide a clearer picture of the Confucian studies in the beginning of Tang Dynasty. Firstly, certain historical records are drawn from "New Book of Tang" ("Shin Tang Shu") and "Book of Tang" ("Joe Tang Shu") and "Retribution after Death" ("Ming Bao Gee") in order to piece together the life experiences of Ma Chia-Yun. Secondly, the time point where he critiqued Kong Yin-Da and his impact on the studies of the "Explanatory Notes to the Five Classics" are also examined. The result of the above studies would shed more light on the editing process of Explanatory Notes to the Five Classics in the 16th year of Zhenguan period and the history of the study of Confucian classics in Tang Dynasty.


漢鄭玄注、孔穎達疏(2001)。禮記正義。臺北=Taipei:臺灣古籍社=Taiwan guji chubanshe。
魏何晏注、邢昺疏(2001)。論語注疏。臺北=Taipei:臺灣古籍出版社=Taiwan guji chubanshe。
(1969)。朱子遺書。臺北=Taipei:藝文印書館=Yiwen yinshuguan。
宋朱熹(1990)。四書章句集注。臺北=Taipei:長安出版社=Zhangan chubanshe。
宋朱熹(1996)。朱熹集。成都=Chengdou:四川教育出版社=Sichuan jiaoyu chubanshe。
