  • 期刊


The Rituals, Oral Instructions and Text Compilation of Li Daochun's Inner Alchemy Community: A Preliminary Study of the Recorded Sayings of Qing'an, Master of the Shining Toad




Li Daochun (literary name Qing'an), the famous inner alchemy master in the Yuan dynasty practiced and taught Daoist inner alchemy and thoughts of Yijing and Laozi. He also instructed his community of followers ("the Community") on the meditation methods to investigate the gong'an of Chan Buddhism. The Recorded Sayings of Qing'an, Master of the Shining Toad (Qing'an Yingchanzi Yulu, 《清庵瑩蟾子語錄》) (the Yulu) includes Li's speeches and dialogues with his disciples, which are also included in other works in circulation. The Yulu shows that Li's teaching methods such as Ascending the Hall (shangtang, 上堂) to preach and the rituals and regulations of the Community followed the examples by the Chan Buddhism monastic community. Li and his disciples wrote poems about their revelation achieved through meditation and collaborative poetry, these activities were also related with gong'an of Chan Buddhism. In addition, Li's teaching about the thought of Laozi is included in the Essentials of Dao, (Daode Xinyao, 《道德心要》) and edited to become the Returning to the origin of the Dao and Its virtue (Daode Huiyuan, 《道德會元》) The dialogues between Li Daochun and Zhao Daoke are included in "Dispelling Doubts in Mind" ("Huangzhong Jiehuo," 〈黃中解惑〉) in the Yulu, and edited to become a part of the Collection of the center and the harmony. (Zhonghe Ji, 《中和集》) These texts illustrate the organization, oral tradition, writing and publication of texts and the main concerns of the Community. By comparing the Yulu and other texts about inner alchemy from the same era and Chan texts, this study reveals the methods by which of Li and the Community accepted and passed on teachings, as influenced by Chan Buddhism, and tries to offer an explanation to this phenomenon.


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