  • 期刊


"All Things Are Chaotic, But There Is One Single Thread Binding My Way Together": Zhu Xi and Zhang Shi's Friendship and Thoughts on Ordinance




朱熹 張栻 道南學脈 湖湘學脈 二程理學


The two academic leaders, Zhu Xi and Zhang Shi, discussed Confucianism and appreciated each other. They resolved doubts and corrected errors together when there were discrepancies in academics in order to settle disputes and then develop the pedigree of Confucianism. In fact, Zhang's argument inspired Zhu to clarify the differences between Cheng Yi and Cheng Hao's opinions. However, the development of Zhu's thoughts was considered to have resulted in the decline of the Huxiang School because people had supposed that the Daonan School was in competition with the Huxiang School. This way of thinking reveals that people only saw their differences but did not know their similarities. Moreover, some people believed that Zhang could not enhance, but only followed his teacher Zhu's theory. This belief shows that they did not understand the context of development of philosophy of principle (lixue) fully. Zhu not only built up the system of "the mind unites human nature and feelings (xintong xingqing)" through pondering over "moderation" but also explained the relationship between "Diagram of the Supreme Polarity (Taiji tu)" and Penetrating the Classic of Changes (Tongshu). Furthermore, he studied "benevolence (ren)" and concluded that "benevolence is the principle of love and morality of mind." This explication confirmed the significance of the Classics. All in all, the philosophy of principle was constructed base on Zhu Xi and Zhang Shi's communication, the significance of which cannot be misrepresented by sects.


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[宋]朱熹 Zhu Xi 著,陳俊民 Chen Junmin 校編:《朱子文集》Zhuzi wenji第 1、3、4、7-10 冊,臺北 Taipei:德富文教基金會 Defu wenjiao jijinhui,2000 年。
[宋]李侗 Li Tong:《李延平集》Li Yanping ji,收入新文豐編輯部 Xinwenfeng bianjibu 編:《叢書集成新編》Congshu jicheng xinbian 第 65 冊,新北New Taipei:新文豐出版社 Xinwenfeng chubanshe,1985 年。
