  • 期刊


The Academic Orientation of Wang Kekuan's Compilation of Chunqiu Hu Zhuan Appendices




汪克寬 胡安國 朱熹 纂疏 《春秋》


Wang Kekuan's Compilation of Chunqiu Hu Zhuan Appendices (Compilation) in the Yuan Dynasty has important academic significance, but academic research on it is limited. Most research focuses on brief and general description, therefore general understanding of the work remains vague and obscure. This article thus studies the scholarly nature of Wang Kekuan's Compilation in terms of his compilation style and method and direction of supplementation. The observations obtained are as follows: First, through the "compilation style," Wang compiled materials related to the author's statements with a focus on similar interpretive viewpoints. Readers were provided with thorough evidence which facilitates understanding and is very beneficial. Second, the categorization of Hu Anguo's Chunqiu Zhuan (Hu Zhuan) has always been the most criticized. Wang Kekuan's Compilation not only explained that the commentary style of "praising or criticizing with a single word" of Hu Zhuan is only relevant for the sequential writing style, but also repeatedly quoted Cheng Yi's "unconstrained" interpretation principle to dissolve the problems arising from the categorization of Hu Zhuan. The Compilation also edited and supplemented Hu Zhuan. Third, Wang Kekuan deliberately sought a compromise between the theories of Zhu Xi and Hu Anguo, but the Compilation still serves the function of recording Zhu Xi's writings, and the discussion of Zhu Xi's employing of the writing techniques of Chunqiu in Compendium of Zizhi Tongjian is still based on Hu Zhuan, ultimately returning to the academic orientation of "abiding by Hu and integrating Zhu."


Wang Kekuan Hu Anguo Zhu Xi Compilation Chunqiu


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〔晉〕杜預 Du Yu 注,〔唐〕孔穎達 Kong Yingda 疏:《春秋左傳正義》Chunqiu zuozhuan zhengyi,臺北 Taipei:藝文印書館 Yiwen yinshuguan,1982 年。
〔晉〕范甯 Fan Ning 集解,〔唐〕楊士勛 Yang Shixun 疏:《春秋穀梁傳注疏》Chunqiu guliangzhuan zhushu,臺北 Taipei:藝文印書館 Yiwen yinshuguan,1982 年。
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〔宋〕朱熹 Zhu Xi 著,〔宋〕黎靖德 Li Jingde 編:《朱子語類》Zhuzi yulei,收入〔宋〕朱熹 Zhu Xi 著,朱傑人 Zhu Jieren、嚴佐之 Yan Zuozhi、劉永翔 Liu Yongxiang 主編:《朱子全書》Zhuzi quanshu 第 15-18 冊,上海 Shanghai:上海古籍出版社 Shanghai guji chubanshe;合肥 Hefei:安徽教育出版社 Anhui jiaoyu chubanshe,2002 年。
