  • 期刊


"Hermit Image" and Emergence of Leaders of Traditional Chinese Local Scholar-Literati Circles: With Zhu Yizun, Leader of the Jiangzhe Circle as an Example




朱彝尊 隱逸 題詠 江浙 領袖


This paper is a reflection on recent studies about the reasons behind the emergence of leaders of traditional Chinese scholar-literati circles. Using Zhu Yizun, leader of the Jiangzhe local scholar-literati circle, as an example, it illustrates the connection between the formation of the leadership position and the "hermit image" bestowed upon Zhu Yizun. Social factors previously ignored are proposed as alternatives to, but not replacement of prior explanations. On the other hand, this case study highlights the functions that "social image" of the leader of a local scholar-literati circle could serve in promoting social unity. This is an aspect worth noting in considering the social effect of literature. The "hermit image" was conf 99 erred upon Zhu Yizun, as could especially be seen in inscriptions by others on Zhu's portraits. This image was steeped in "anchoring oneself in the world" and "returning to one's root," and through expressions of "retiring and returning to one's home country" and "sharing memories of our group at the present", differed significantly from traditional images of hermits.


Zhu Yizun Hermit Inscription Jiangzhe Leader


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