  • 期刊


Six Studies on the Oracle Bone Inscriptions




甲骨 多万 人頭骨刻辭 狐狼 降齒


The study of the oracle bone inscriptions is the basis of the study of ancient characters, ancient history and cultural anthropology in the Shang Dynasty and even the Western Zhou Dynasty. The mastery of the meaning of oracle bone inscriptions helps us to the understand ancient knowledge as a whole. In this article, we discuss and analyze six topics of "'Duo Wan Ru Xue' and Xia Xiaozheng (Small Calendar of the Xia Dynasty)," "Interpretation of the word 'huang' indicating disease," "Interpretation of the word 'zhe' in the inscriptions on human skulls," "Identification and consideration of the word 'ji'," "Argument on the word □ as 'fox'" and "Research of the word 'chi' (tooth)." Some materials related with these topics have been personally examined by the author. Although each topic is discussed in association with the phenomena of oracle inscriptions, due to the special nature, it can also be developed into an independent topic with its own academic significance.


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于省吾 Yu Xingwu 主編:《甲骨文字詁林》Jiagu wenzi gulin 第 1、3 冊,北京 Beijing:中華書局 Zhonghua shuju,1999 年。
于省吾 Yu Xingwu 主編:《甲骨文字釋林》Jiagu wenzi shilin,北京 Beijing:中華書局 Zhonghua shuju,1999 年。
方向東 Fang Xiangdong:《大戴禮記匯校集解》Da Dai liji huijiao jijie,北京 Beijing:中華書局 Zhonghua shuju,2008 年。

