  • 期刊


The Religious Literary Notions of Karl Gutzlaff's "New Literature" and Its Enlightenment Intention


在19世紀來華基督新教傳教士中,郭實獵(Karl F. A. Gützlaff,1803-1851)的漢文小說創作量可謂首屈一指。他更在其英文專著《開放的中國》(China Opened,1838)中提出「上帝以榮耀的福音復興中國之際,需要的是新文學(New Literature)」。並進一步解釋,只有承載東方固有的優良品質,且匯入西方最精華內容的嶄新宗教文學和科普著作,才能令中華民族煥然一新。因此,懷著福音與文明攜手,傳教與啟蒙並進的信念,他以漢字為媒介創作了大批「新文學」作品。本文聚焦於郭實獵《開放的中國》中直陳的文學觀念及啟蒙意圖,結合其新文學中最具代表性的小說文體,著重探討其創作基礎與宗教文學思想核心「獵實捨華」之概念。在此基礎上,將之與後世傅蘭雅(John Fryer,1839-1928)「時新小說」及梁啟超(1873-1929)「新小說」之文學思想並置,揭示三者啟蒙意圖的關聯。


Among all the 19^(th) century Protestant missionaries to China, Karl F. A. Gützlaff (1803-51) emerged as the most prolific missionary novelist in Chinese. In his monograph China Opened (1838) in English, Gützlaff argued that "When the blessed God shall renovate China by the gospel of his grace, a new literature will be required." He further elaborated that in an attempt to renovate the Chinese nation, a new religious and scientific literature embodying the traditional oriental merits while incorporating the most salutary and useful elements of the West, must be offered to the Chinese people. Hence, by upholding the belief that the gospel and civilization, as well as proselytizing and enlightenment should go hand in hand, Gützlaff composed a large corpus of "new literature" in Chinese. By scrutinizing Gützlaff's literary notions and enlightenment intention discussed in China Opened, in conjunction with his novels, the most representative genre of his "new literature," the present paper focuses on the examination of his core concept lieshi shehua (獵實捨華, acquiring the fruits and forsaking the flowers) which constitutes the basis of his literary creation and religious literary thoughts. The paper is concluded by placing Gützlaff's "new literature" in the wider contexts, to examine its interconnections with the subsequent literary thoughts and enlightenment intention of John Fryer's (1839-1928) Shixin xiaoshuo (New Age Novels) in 1895 and Liang Qichao's (1873-1929) Xin xiaoshuo (New Novels) in 1902.


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