  • 期刊


The "Centennial Change": A Study of the Concept of Chinese Novel Focusing on Liang Qichao, Wang Guowei, Hu Shi and Lu Xun




小說觀念 晚清 五四 梁啟超 胡適


The time period encompassing the late Qing Dynasty to the May Fourth Period was a key historical era for the dramatic and continuous changes in the concept of Chinese novel and the realization of its modern transformation. During this time, Liang Qichao introduced the "new novel" theory for the "improvement of the governance of the masses" and "salvation of the country by new citizens." Wang Guowei rooted his thought on super-utilitarian aesthetics of novel in Schopenhauer's philosophy. Hu Shi's "orthodox view of vernacular literature" originated in his ideas about "civilian literature" and "Mandarin literature." Lu Xun introduced the modern vernacular novel style, which can be regarded as a model for new literature. Their research on Chinese novel and drama laid the theoretical foundation and they produced pioneering works for these fields. The achievements of these intellectuals marked the milestones for the formation of the concept of Chinese modern novel during a time of unprecedented change. Their continuous and joint efforts from the late Qing Dynasty to the May Fourth Period essentially completed the "centennial change" from the traditional to the modern in the field of Chinese novel.


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