  • 期刊


Intramuscular fat content and meat quality of pork: A review


豬肉品質是一個綜合性狀,從生產者到消費者會給予不同的定義,但最終則取決於消費者購買時的選擇與食用體驗,亦即肉品的色澤(color)、大理石紋(marbling)、堅實度(firmness)、嫩度(tenderness),多汁(juiciness)並且具有較佳的風味(flavor)。豬肉的肌內脂肪量(Intramuscular fat, IMF)被認為是豬肉美味可口的關鍵因素之一,與其風味、嫩度與總可接受度有關。由於各國消費者對健康的要求、烹調的方式及生活習慣的不同,對IMF含量的要求也不同,亞洲的消費者對含豐富大理石紋豬肉是較偏愛的。IMF是脂肪組織最後階段生長的部分,影響的因素包括:品種、性別、基因型及營養飼養方式等。由於IMF屬於高遺傳率性狀(h^2 > 0.40),應用超音波儀器搭配影像分析軟體,活體估測豬隻IMF,可調控豬隻適當含量的IMF,在瘦肉率不下降與背脂厚度不提升的情況下,選育高IMF含量育種價的豬隻,是遺傳改進豬肉品質,特別是食肉品質(eating quality)性狀的育種策略。本報告討論豬體組成性狀的生長,聚焦於脂肪組織、IMF含量與豬肉品質的關聯、影響IMF含量的生長因素及遺傳調控的方式,發展屬於亞洲消費者喜愛高品質豬肉的育種策略,也會加以討論。


Pork quality is a comprehensive trait, which defined differently from the producer to the consumer segments, but ultimately it depends on the consumer's choice at the time of purchase and the point of consumption. Pork color, marbling distribution, firmness, tenderness, juiciness and a better flavor have been associated with consumer acceptance of pork. Intramuscular fat (IMF) of pork is considered to be one of the key factors for the taste of pork, and is related to flavor, tenderness and overall acceptability. The optimum level of IMF for consumers of different countries is related to their attitude and behavior on health concerns, cooking method, and living style, Asian consumers prefer the abundant marbling of pork. IMF is defined as the visible fat in a muscle bundle, and the amount of IMF content is affected by factors such as breed, sex, genotypes, and feed ration and feeding methods. IMF content is a highly heritable trait (h^2 > 0.40), ultrasound incorporated with image analysis software can be used to estimate IMF of pigs in vivo, to regulate the optimum content of IMF in live pigs. Pig breeding strategy for increasing pork quality can be focused on selection for IMF using ultrasound to derive estimated breeding values for genetic evaluation while maintaining high lean meat and low fat pig herd. The report discussed the growth of pig body composition traits, mainly on the lipid tissue, relationship between IMF and pork quality, factors affecting the deposit of IMF and method of genetic regulation, as well as the development of breeding strategies for pork of Asian favor were also discussed.
