  • 期刊


A Review of Ganoderma and Its Bioactive Components'Effects on Regulating Immune System




Modern scientific research and exploration of Chinese herbal medicines are in the ascendant. Among many Chinese herbal medicines, Ganoderma is still the most interesting target for scientists around the world. Its medicinal effects, new functions and mechanisms of action are still reported in the literature every year. Breakthroughs, the iconic bioactive components of Ganoderma, including Ganoderma polysaccharides, Ganoderma triterpenes and Ganoderma sterols have excellent anti-tumor, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-hypertensive, and immunomodulatory effects, making them a long-lasting health product, with medicine and food characters, in recent years. However, compared with other medicinal and physiological functions of Ganoderma, the various components of Ganoderma have also made great progress in the study of immune regulation, but there is no comprehensive review to address the achievements in recent decades, and detailed cross-argumentation for the effects of Ganoderma bioactive components on the immune system in the literature. Therefore, in this paper, aiming at the effects of Ganoderma components on the immune system, taking the properties of immune cells as a sub-item, this paper organized the research reports on active components of Ganoderma in Chinese and English literature. It was found that different components of Ganoderma have significant and positive effects on macrophages, dendritic cells, natural killer cells, T cells, B cells, and the signal transduction of the immune system. Some scientists have further explored the target and mechanism of action. The immune-enhancing effect of Ganoderma has been scientifically proven at the cellular immunity and cellular biochemical levels.
