  • 期刊


The Politics of Democratic Reform: Difficulties and Strategies




改革的政治 民主 民主改革 憲政 民主法


Political reform of democratic institutions often encounters significant hurdles and prevails only at the mercy of political fortuna. The prevailing rhetoric of democratic reform, however, says nothing about the politics of reform. Inspired by the recent institutional turn in law of democracy scholarship and using analytical and conceptual tools as developed by students of democratic institutions and political reforms in adjacent fields, this article attempts to develop a general applied theory about the politics of democratic reform. This article first identifies and analyzes six common difficulties facing democratic reformers. It also takes a closer look at crisis as a double-edged sword for democratic reform. It then assesses four typical strategies (approaches, or game plans) for democratic reform. While the main objective of this theoretical endeavor is to deepen the understanding about the difficulties and possibilities of democratic reform from the standpoint of the democratic reformers, this article also argues for realism and strategic thinking as necessary virtues to be cultivated in the reform community.


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