  • 期刊


The Upgrowth of Taiwan's Agriculture under the Constraint of WTO



台灣農業之發展經驗與日本頗相類似,而所遭遇之經濟結構及社經環境變遷又與德國農業之處境相像,所以本文引介日本農業之轉型模式和德國農政之改革經驗,從而展望台灣農業在貿易自由化衝擊下,可能升級與轉型之願景。 政府及民間多年來一直偏重農業生產因素之改善及投入增加以促進農業發展,而目前在WTO的衝擊下,高投入但低競爭力的生產方式勢將面臨挑戰,因而宜仿效日本及德國經驗,一方面加強農村建設使其成為地方經濟附加價值鏈之一環,並以產品之品質取信於消費者,輔導農村妥善經營當地之自然資源及生態環境,以維護農業提供國內公共財之特有任務。


Taiwan's experiences of agricultural development have been similar to that of Japan and the impacts of change of economic structure or socio-economic environment to agricultural sector are just like that of Germany's. This study tried to introduce Japanese agricultural transition models and German agricultural policy reforms to give visions for Taiwan's agricultural development under the trend of trade liberalization. It has been emphasized by public and private sectors that improvements and increases in inputs are beneficial to agricultural development. However, high input but low competitive is challenged by the effects of WTO. Thus, it is very important to manage the rural area as one part of the regional value-added chains, to respect consumer's right to food and to preserve natural resources and ecological environment in order to strengthen the special role of agriculture in providing public goods and services to the society.
