  • 期刊


The Impact of Heart Dose at Deep Inspiratory Breath Hold (DIBH) Technology for Left Side Breast Tangential Radiotherapy


在乳癌放射治療上心臟被照射的劑量多寡,一直是考慮的重點,本研究為比較深吸氣閉氣與正常呼吸治療計劃上心臟劑量差異。本研究共收集22位部份乳房保留切除術病患,電腦斷層模擬攝影結合即時位置管理系統(Real-time Position Manager, RPM)同時擷取深吸氣閉氣及正常呼吸影像,治療計劃上醫師以相同定義標定正常呼吸與深吸氣閉氣影像中的器官輪廓,依相同參數規劃計劃靶體積,心臟最大給予與平均劑量百分比,評估兩治療計劃之劑量比對分析。結果顯示,採用深吸氣閉氣方式進行乳房切線照射放射治療,可較自由呼吸方式減少心臟受照射體積7.8%,增大肺臟體積79.2-81.5%,降低心臟從低劑量至高劑量(5、10、20、30、40格雷)的接受劑量體積百分比(9.23-5.81%),降低心臟平均劑量百分比5.37%。因此,進行乳房切線放射治療時,深吸氣閉氣比正常呼吸方式有較優的心臟接受劑量體積百分比、平均劑量百分比。


The heart dose is an important criterion for left side breast radiotherapy. This research aims to compare heart doses of different treatment planning between deep inspiratory breath hold (DIBH) and free breath (FB). DIBH and FB images using a CT simulator were acquired from 22 patients with partial breast mastectomy. Organ contours were delineated by a physician and the plan dose parameters were of the same at maximal dose, dose volume histogram, and conformal index of the planning target volume. In the DIBH technology for left side breast tangential radiotherapy, the heart volume was 7.8% reduced and the lung volume was about 80% enlarged compared to those of FB. Moreover, the percentage volumes of absorbed doses at heart with 5, 10, 20, 30, 40Gy by DIBH were 9.23-5.81% decreased than FB, respectively. The mean dose of the heart by DIBH is 5.37% lower than FB. Hence, DIBH is a useful way to treat left side breast cancer and reduce heart dose.


breast radiotherapy DIBH free breath RPM
