  • 期刊


The Brain fMRI Analysis of Caffeine Withdrawal Syndrome


目前成癮的診斷判定大都是以填問卷方式評估,或醫生問診後的主觀判斷,並沒有科學化的量化指標來確認此一現象。本實驗利用咖啡香氣來做嗅覺刺激,分別針對有習慣飲用咖啡和沒有習慣飲用咖啡各5位受試者來做測試,藉由氣味引發咖啡因癮症狀,以功能性磁振造影來分析上癮者的大腦皮質活化特徵。在剛飲用咖啡後、禁止飲用咖啡一天、三天、及一周來做比較。結果顯示無咖啡癮受測者的活化區域與聞到愉快氣味的嗅覺反應類似;而有咖啡癮者的大腦活化區域除了有愉快氣味的嗅覺反應外,還多了與情緒相關的伏隔核(nucleus accumbens, NAcc)、杏仁核(Amygdaloid, AMG)、海馬迴(Hippocampus, HIP)等區域;且有咖啡癮者受氣味引發的活化反應在停止飲用咖啡第三天比較強烈,四個時間點的活化區都明顯多於無咖啡因癮者。本研究的結果顯示咖啡香味對情緒反應相關的皮質區有影響,有咖啡因癮者則有明顯的活化增強現象,希望未來能藉此建立診斷咖啡因戒斷症候群(Caffeine Withdrawal Syndrome)的指標。


Diagnosis of caffeine withdrawal syndrome usually made by filling out questionnaires or based on the psychiatrist's subjective evaluation. There is still lack of more objective quantitative measurement and testing. Thus, this study tried to analyze the differences of cortical activation patterns between the subjects with and without coffee-drinking habit by using fMRI during olfactory stimulation with coffee odor. Totally 10 participants, 5 with and 5 without coffee-drinking habit, underwent fMRI investigations at 1day, 3 day and 1week after stopping caffeinated drinks. Our results showed the activation of relevant cortical areas after coffee odor stimulation are similar to pleasant odor stimulation in subjects without coffee-drinking habit, but of those with coffee-drinking habit, not only more extensive activation but additional activated area associated with emotion, including nucleus accumbens, amygdaloid and hippocampus were found, especially at 3 day after stopping caffeinated drinks. We hope this preliminary results can provide a more objective index for diagnosis of caffeine withdrawal syndrome in the future.
