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Dialogic Reading of the Personal Essay



本文曾在探討私散文(the Personal Essay)所內蘊之對話結構,並主張讀者於閱讀之初,應嘗試融入受話者(the addressee)之角色,進而使得閱讀文本,能成就更豐富的交流經驗。首先,本文探討私散文特有之話語結構,在此結構中,作者與發話者(the addresser)的角色合為一體。接著,根據巴赫金(Bakhtin)的對話理論,本文嘗試揭露私散文隱匿而無所不在的對話性。最後並論證,請者於閱讀時,首先應辨識出由文本語言預先構造之受話者角色,從而融入此一角色並與作者對話,以期能達成更有意義之語文溝通。


巴赫金 對話性 對話 話語結構 私散文


This article attempts to examine the dialogical structure inherent in the personal essay, and to propose a vantage point, where the reader can first join with the addressee to engage in a more fruitful literary communication. First, the article examines the unique discourse structure of the personal essay, where the convergence of the writer's and the addresser's role is evident. Then, based on Bakhtin's idea of dialogicality, the author goes on to reveal the hidden framework of dialogue in the personal essay. The addressee's voice and roles, enacted by the text, are shown to call for readers' recognition and convergence before sensible literary communications may take place.


Adorno, T.(1991).The Essay as Form, Notes to Literatures.New York:Columbia University Press.
Aristotle.,Rhys Roberts (Trans.),I. By-water.(1984).The Rhetoric and the Poetics of Aristotle.New York:McGraw-Hill.
Austin, J.(1962).How to Do Things with Words.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.
Bakhtin, M. M.,Ladislav Matejka (Trans.),I. R. Titunic.(1973).Marxism and the Philosophy of Language.New York:Seminar Press.
Bakhtin, M. M.,Caryl Emerson (Eds.),Michael Holquist (trans.),V. W. McGee.(1966).Speech Genres and Other Late Essays.Austin:University of Texas Press.
