  • 期刊


Mapping the Invisible Network of Knowledge Management by Historical Viewpoint




Knowledge management is an important topic in this academics and business communities in the age of Knowledge Economy. This study aims to identify the invisible network of knowledge production and to explore the research paradigm shifts in the field of knowledge management (KM) study during 1998-2007 by mapping and analyzing exactly 609 articles and 30,018 cited references of ten top KM related journals from SSCI of ISI databank. The findings can help researchers to identify the linkages among different publications and their contributions of the KM related field, from knowing nothing to knowing something.


Adam Smith(1776).An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations.Oxford:Oxford University Press.
Allee, V.(1997).The knowledge evolution-Expanding organizational intelligence.Boston, MA:Mutterworth-Heinemann.
Baron R. M.,David A. Kenny(1986).The Moderator-Mediator Variable Distinction in Social Psychological Research: Conceptual, Strategic, and Statistical Considerations.Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.51(6),1173-1182.
Bechman, T. J.,J. Liebowitz(ed.)(1999).Knowledge Management Handbook.Boca Raton, Fla:CRC Press.
Breisach Ernst(1983).Historiography.Chicago:University of Chicago Press.
