  • 期刊


The Study of Facebook Fan Pages' Dialogic Communication Strategy for Music Streaming Service Industry in Taiwan: Based on Big Data Analytics Approach


本研究以Kent 和Taylor 提出的五大對話性溝通原則作為理論基礎,透過Netvizz v1.25、Microsoft Excel 2010、IBM SPSS Statistics 22.0 和R 軟體3.2.2 的輔助,以大數據分析的概念對臺灣音樂串流服務Facebook 粉絲專頁進行敘述統計、文字雲資料探勘、文字探勘、內容分析和迴歸分析等統計分析,探討臺灣的音樂串流服務Facebook 粉絲專頁與其粉絲間之溝通互動成效為何,以及其彼此間之粉絲專頁經營管理模式是否存在差異。研究結果發現,臺灣的音樂串流服務粉絲專頁彼此間確實存在不同的經營管理模式和互動成效上的差異,五大對話性溝通原則也分別對各粉絲專頁產生不同之影響。


Base on Kent & Taylor's Dialogic Communication Theory and the approach of Big Data, this study doing Descriptive Statistics, Word Clouds, Text Mining, Content Analysis, and Regression Analysis for Music Streaming Service Industry in Taiwan by Netvizz v1.25, Microsoft Excel 2010, IBM SPSS Statistics 22.0, and R version 3.2.2. Hope to explore the effect of interaction between the Facebook Fan Pages of Taiwan Music Streaming Service and their fans, and if their have differences between the Fan Pages of Taiwan Music Streaming Service. The results show that the Fan Pages of Taiwan Music Streaming Service have different management methods and effect of interaction. Dialogic Communication Theory also play a different part in each Fan Page.


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