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  • OpenAccess


Development of an Improved E-catalog System


隨著網際網路的興起、上網人口比例逐年增加、相關網路交易安全技術提升、即時線上付款與供應鏈管理機制成熟等因素,電子商務已經逐漸被大眾所接受並成為一種主流的商業經營模式。電子商務的發展,讓網路已被零售商視為一個嶄新的銷售管道,電子型錄的設計也因此成為網路零售的重要課題,設計良好的電子型錄通常可以幫助瀏覽者進行網路購物,但目前市面提供的電子型錄都只用於簡單的商品展示,也未提供系統化的模式,故亦無法延伸電子型錄的用途。 本研究透過需求訪談法了解目前使用者對於電子型錄的需求,並透過文獻探討與實際瞭解現有零售業線上型錄型態與功能之缺點,擬定以系統化的方式開發改良式電子型錄,依此,本研究發展出六大模版,藉由這些模版除了能在商品查詢方面提供充足的商品資訊,還可點選觀看CF廣告,並以動態的影音效果,提供圖文解說,傳達完整的商品訴求及特色。冀提供相關業者透過本研究之改良式電子書型錄,減少潛在通路及新品開發之行銷通路,進而增加競爭力。


電子書 電子型錄 電子商務


With the evolution of Internet, e-Commerce has already become one of the main e-business models. With the emerging of electronic commerce, shopping online can be regarded as a new retail channel. Essentially, a well-designed e-catalog system plays an important role in e-commerce environment. Not only a well-designed e-catalog system can help shoppers make a more informative buying decision, but also can it help the display of merchandise by using multimedia technology. To construct an enhanced e-catalog system, this study first conducts interviews with shoppers to discover what they need in a well-designed e-catalog system in consumers' buying decisions. Secondly, after performing a literature review and surfing on the Internet to find several existing e-catalog systems used by current retail stores, this study conducts several issues that need to be improved in a well-designed e-catalog system. Finally, this study develops an improved e-catalog system with six templates in a systematic way. With these six templates, an enhanced e-catalog system has been built with capabilities of built-in dynamic audio-visual and multimedia animation effects such as commercial films ads to relay the integrity of the aspirations and characteristics of commercial merchandises. In the future, this enhanced e-catalog system would be able to help e-business industry in creating more efficient marketing channels and reducing cost for new product marketing.


e-book e-catalog e-Commerce
