  • 期刊


An Evaluation on the Integration Cross the Taiwan Strait from the Experiences of the European Integration


陳水扁總統於民國九十年年初提出兩岸統合的概念。此後,各式各樣的「統合模式」紛紛被提出來加以討論,包含頗具成效的「歐洲統合模式」。 歐洲統合能有今日之成果,完全是歐洲聯盟(以下簡稱歐盟)各個會員國長時期努力,而經歷了多次失敗經驗之後而累積出來的結果。歐盟六個原始會員國在一九五二年成了歐洲煤銅共同體之後,又於一九五八年成立了歐洲經濟共同體與原子能共同體。此三個共同體亦於一九六七年因機構合併而整合為歐洲共同體(以下簡稱歐體)。此後,歐洲統合發展的極為順利,其合作之範圍愈為深入,歐體之規模亦日益擴大,一九九三年十一月馬斯垂克條約生效之後,除了歐體之名稱已提昇為歐洲聯盟之外,會員國之合作領域也擴展至外交與安全以及內政與司法之合作,並加以法制化。在一九九五年一月,其會員國更是增至了十五國。此外,會員國之中的德、法、義等十二個會員國並已採用單一貨幣-歐元,歐洲統合已進入一嶄新的階段。 歐洲統合能臻今日之成果,完全是歐盟各個會員國努力的結果,這對昔日曾是世仇的若干會員國而言,的確讓人感到敬佩。相較於歐盟各個會員國,兩岸添為同文同種,然而卻仍無法解開主權或是所謂的「一個中國的原則」的爭議,差異甚大。本文之主要目的即是在探討歐洲整合模式的內涵,以及從中評估歐洲統合是否能提供給我們一些借鏡,並藉由歐洲統合之經驗,規劃出一適合我們的合作模式,化解敵意,共創雙贏的局面。


President Chen Shui-bian advanced at the beginning of 2001 a new concept on the integration cross the Taiwan strait After his speech, many ”integration models” of all kinds have been mentioned and discussed, including ”the model of the European Integration”. The success of European Integration has based on the great efforts of the EU member states for 5 decades. The original 6 member states of the EU established he European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) in 1952. Because of the great success, those 6 countries then established the European Economic Community (EEC) and the European Atom Energy Community (EAEC) in 1958. These three Communities were merged into the European Community (EC) in 1967. Since then, the European Integration has been developed more smoothly and the scopes of cooperation between the EC member states were expanded more widely. The number of its member states also increased from 6 to 15 in 1995. Besides, 12 of its 15 member states, Germany, French, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Ireland, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Finland and Austria have used a common currency ”Euro” since the beginning 2002. Actually, the European Integration entered into a new stage. In reality, the success of European Integration has based on the great efforts of the EU member states, especially for the former hostile European states such as Germany, French and the other countries. In comparing with the European countries, Taiwan and Mainland China have same language and belong to the Han race. But, we can't solve the dispute of the so-called ”One China” until now. What are the contents of the European Integration? How can we learn from the experiences of the so-called ”Model of the European Integration”? These are the main issues to be examined in this paper.


