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A Benign Globalization vs. a Doomsday Scenario: How to Make Globalization in a Capital and Welfare Perspective





全球化 比較利益 文化認同


It is the internal structures of the economies actively intensifying transborder economic interactions that matter, and not globalization. If all participating economies were (able) to pursue full employment policies, a convoy model of globalisation that corresponds to the expectations of neo-classical economics would be achieved, thereby creating economic convergence. However today economies characterised by marginality (i.e. goods, that are characterized by a structural labour surplus) have become competitive in the export of manufactured goods. The green revolution accompanied by agricultural self-sufficiency or surpluses enables the said economies to transform pre-existing or even new comparative advantages, into cost-efficiency by means of devaluation below purchasing priority. Attempts to limit labour costs by leading industrialized countries further aggravate under-consumptionist tendencies at the global level. The alternative consists of complementing new, manufactured exports from marginality ridden economies with economic and social reforms aimed at the absorption of the said labour surplus. The emerging movements with cultural identities might be appropriate partners for such reforms in marginality ridden-economies.
