  • 期刊


The Plan Colombia and the U.S. Anti-Drug War Strategy in Latin Amertica




In the last decade, hundreds of tons of cocaine and other illicit narcotics have been transported through Middle America into the United States, which had caused great deal of economic losses and rising of crimes. With the aim to eradicate the drug sources, Bush administration launched the Andean Initiative and the Plan Colombia, waging a so called anti-drug war in South America. But the anti-drug war also serves as a mean to expand U.S. influence in the west hemisphere in the post cold-war era, in which all the U.S. military, the national security bureaucrats, the politicians and the elements of the military-industrial complex could find and obtain their interests. Whether the anti-drug war and the Plan Colombia can really solve the drug problem at home, can help the people in Latin America, or it was nothing but a substitute for a national enemy image and an excuse for maintaining the military establishment, deserve a deeper and closer study.
