  • 期刊


The State-Society Relations with Chinese Characteristics? A Literature Review on Chinese NGOs' Autonomy


中國經濟社會迅速擴張的過程中,留下許多「政府失靈」的空間來讓非政府組織填補,連帶使中國的市民社會與非政府組織的相關研究逐漸增加。在「國家與社會關係」相關研究中,以Gerhard Lehmbruch的「多元主義-統合主義光譜」分析為主流,也影響學界對中國相關問題的分析框架。本文將透過質性資料分析來整理中、西學界對中國國家社會關係之研究,佐以訪談資料,在既有的光譜分析架構下建立「國家權力v.s. NGO自主性論述定位圖」新模式。至於初步結論是:中國政府的NGO政策仍然保守,學界與實務界運作對NGO自主性的認知仍相對開放;西方學界相對於中國學界的觀點,則允許國家權力收縮,而非中國學者對於國家權力維持強大有較一致的論述。最後,從政治文化的觀點來看,若中國政府在不同階段開放NGO的自主性,則能期待中國的國家與社會關係走向國家統合主義、新統合主義、甚至是多元主義的結構。


In the past three decades of rapid expansion in Chinese society and economy, the governmental malfunction has conceded a rather great space for more and more non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to fill in. Likewise it has boomed up the increasing researches on civic society and NGOs of China as well. In field of "State-Society Relationship," the "Pluralism-Corporatism Spectrum" by Gerhard Lehmbruch has deemed the mainstream approach to the state-society relationship in China. Base on the said spectrum and civic culture approach, and with the help of qualitative data and interviews, this article proposes an analytical framework "The Discourse-oriented Figure of State Power vs. NGO Autonomy" instead and tries to distinguish the deviation of perspectives on civic society between the Chinese and Western academies. The article finds out that Chinese government tends to be conservative towards NGO policy, let alone its autonomy, while academics remain optimistic in this regard. Comparatively, academics in the West suggest a shrinking state power contrasting to a consistent strong assertion of their Chinese counterparts.


