  • 期刊


Myanmar and ASEAN: Approach, Engagement and Integration


緬甸於1997年加入東南亞國家協會(Association of Southeast AsianNations, ASEAN,下稱東協),對國內政經改革以及東協的區域整合,有著深遠意涵及影響。緬甸基於鞏固軍事政權、突破國際孤立及降低對中國的依賴等動機,尋求加入東協。而東協對緬甸採行了有別於歐美制裁的「建設性交往」政策,呈現經濟利益、中國因素以及區域政治經濟整合的考量。東協會員國的身分形成一股轉變的動能,驅動並催化緬甸開放改革的進程,並賦予新的區域角色。2014年緬甸首度順利擔任東協輪值主席的角色,意味緬甸的改革開放已獲東協會員國肯定,並獲國際認同,擺脫了「受排斥的政府」(pariah government)的惡名,締造嶄新國際形象及區域角色。本文將探討緬甸接觸並加入東協的因素分析及對國家改革的影響、東協納入緬甸的政經分析以及未來在東協整合所扮演的角色等。


The joining of ASEAN in 1997 has played a significant role in Myanmar's domestic reforms and reshaping of external relations, on different phases of openness and reform, exercising a changing force to the military rule transformed into civil regime by 2010 election. For ASEAN, the entry of Myanmar matters for completing "ASEAN-10", checking China's influence and fostering regional economic and trade integration. In 1997, even under heavy pressure of United States, EU and other international players, ASEAN insisted that Myanmar be an ASEAN member. Myanmar's membership in ASEAN has taken on new significance as the country assumes the 2014 chairmanship. The success of the first-time chairmanship proves to ASEAN and the rest of world, that Myanmar, with her strategic significance in economy and geography, is designed for a central role against the multilateral setting of Asian Pacific characterized by conflict-prone South China Sea territory dispute, Obama administration's "Returning to Asia" strategy, the dominance of China and ASEAN’s vision of "ASEAN Community". This article will make a comprehensive two-sided factor analysis of Myanmar's entry into ASEAN, and explore how the membership has energized the military rule toward democratization and outward-looking external policy, and what role a newly-transformed Myanmar will play in ASEAN’s integration.
