  • 期刊


TTIP: Impacts on Asia and Taiwan


跨大西洋貿易及投資夥伴協議(TTIP)以其規模與戰略意義,受到廣泛關注。本文從探討TTIP 一旦成立所帶來的經濟影響與戰略意涵入手,聚焦於亞洲與台灣迄今對於TTIP 的談判進展,所產生的一連串反應。作者強調:為平衡TTIP 對亞洲地區的潛在經濟、戰略衝擊,並緩解在亞洲應此而生的負面發展,TTIP 成員必須思考將TTIP 的部分條款擴及亞洲地區的第三方國,並列舉可能的做法選項。


With its economic scale and strategic implications, TTIP has been in the spotlight of practitioners, researchers and officials in the arena of trade and its international political economy. Beginning from an analysis of the potential economic and strategic impacts of TTIP to Asia and Taiwan, this paper examines a series of responses arose from this targeted area, including trends of convergence and alienation. The author argues that, in consideration of easing these impacts it could generate and pacifying the ongoing divergence developed in Asia, the members of TTIP should try to develop concrete mechanisms to spread part of TTIP provisions to any proper 3rd party in Asia. Policy options for doing so are illustrated before the conclusion section.
