  • 期刊


The Relationships between Chiang Kai-shek and Feng Yu-hsiang in 1928-A Revisit


繼徐州會議後,蔣中正和馮玉祥的關係日趨接近,1928年初蔣、馮展開新一階段的合作關係,共同進行北伐最後的軍事行動。北伐軍推進華北,要擊敗奉張,攻取北京,獨力難爲,需要借重馮玉祥在北方的軍事力量,甚至要結合山西閻錫山;馮、閻也清楚必須和蔣合作,方有可爲。因此蔣和馮、閻結盟,實基於北伐戰略上的需要,共同的利害。 本文探討北伐後期的蔣、馮關係,利用《蔣中正總統檔案》之〈事略稿本〉1928年1月至7月間兩人七次會面的紀錄,勾勒兩人關係發展的脈絡。2月16日開封軍事會議,確立蔣中正和馮玉祥與閻錫山合進北伐的軍事戰略,兩人並於鄭州結金蘭之交,強化戰略合作的意義。4月27日蘭封會議,商定對黃河以北作戰計畫。濟南事變後,蔣、馮5月5日會於黨家莊,共商應付危局,取得對日不抵抗的共識;19日鄭州之會議定會師京津總攻擊方策。至於京津接收的安排並取得馮對閻接收北京的諒解,兩人先後就商於道口和柳衛。 綜觀1928年北伐後期蔣中正和馮玉祥關係的轉折,濟南慘案是一關鍵,因濟案打破北伐的布局,張作霖發表和平通電,提前結束北京的統治,造成蔣、馮對奉張和平或用武的歧見;其後,蔣調解於馮、閻對北京接收的爭議。京津底定之後,7月1日的鄭州會面,沒有慶賀北伐勝利的喜悅,蔣、馮關係已漸行漸遠,來自國際的壓力,也來自內部的矛盾。


蔣中正 馮玉祥 閻錫山 張作霖 濟南慘案


After the Hsuchou Conference, the relationships between Chiang Kai-shek and Feng Yu-hsiang became gradually closer. In early 1928, the two started their cooperation, working together on the warfare of the Northern Expedition. In order to push northward, defeat Chang Shueh-liang at Northeast, and take Peking, Chiang needed help from not only Feng Yu-hsiang but also Yen Hsi-shan at Shansi. Both Feng and Yen also knew very well that the cooperation with Chiang would benefit them too. In other words, the close ties among the three parties turned out to be a necessity in warfare and in mutual interests. With the help of The Chiang Kai-shek Collections: The Chronological Events of 1928 , this paper studies the records of the seven meetings between Chiang and Feng within the first seven month of 1928, delineating the developments of their cooperation and their friendship as well. In the meeting of February 16, the cooperation among the three was firmly established and their friendship consolidated. On April 27, the plans on waging wars in the areas northern of the Yellow River were decided. After the Jinan Incident, Chiang and Feng met at Tangchiachuan on May 5, discussing the Japanese invasion and reaching the conclusion not to fight back. On May 19, they decided to gather their armies around Peking and Tianjin with certain attacking strategies. As to who and how to take Peking, the matters were discussed during the meetings at Taokou and Liuwei. After a closer look at such developments, it is clear that the Jinan Incident was a turning point. Because of this incident, the Northern Expedition underwent great changes. First, Chang Cho-lin announced a peace appeal and receded from his position as the government of Peking. This caused some disagreement between Chiang and Feng in terms of warring strategies. Finally, Chiang negotiated the conflicts between Feng and Yen as to the takeover of Peking. When Peking and Tianjin were taken, the Chenchou Conference did not celebrate the victory of the Northern Expedition; instead, because of international pressures and internal conflicts, Chiang and Feng had but to loosen their ties.



