  • 期刊


Hu Ching-yi and the Establishment of the Army for the Pacification of the Nation at Shensi


民國6年底,與南方護法運動興起的同時,陝西也因為對督軍陳樹藩依附北洋軍閥,仰承段祺瑞意旨,排除革命勢力,深致不滿,而有陝西靖國軍的興起。和長江以北地區護法運動速起速落相比較,陝西靖國軍聲勢浩大,而且從民國6年12月起,至11年5月落幕,總共和北洋軍閥周旋達四年餘之久。 雖然陝西靖國軍來勢汹汹,一度威脅陳樹藩的陝督地位,然而因為各軍互不統屬,各行其是,彼此嚴重分歧,抵消戰力,加上兵匪不分,也使靖國軍的評價趨向兩極化,影響研究的客觀性。所以先聚焦於各路的個案研究,一方面是陝西靖國軍研究的奠基工作,再方面可以區分各路不同情況,以免茫無頭緒,治絲愈棼。 經由本文探討,顯示第四路軍司令胡景翼為陝西靖國軍建立的關鍵。因為他的革命黨經歷和陝軍實力派身分,倍受關注,在部下張義安發動三原之役成功後,靖國軍才得以正式成立;也是胡部打退陳樹藩後,靖國軍才得以站穩腳步。後來更因他不能全力支持圍攻西安的計畫,使西安之役功敗垂成。為扭轉局勢,胡促成總司令部的成立;也希望進一步延攬陝軍的舊部及友人,卻因而在故市被俘,使靖國軍軍氣大沮,且使胡本人遭到拘囚兩年的厄運,在靖國軍的發展階段中被迫缺席,對靖國軍而言實為一大重創。


At the end of 1917, at the same time as the Constitution-defending Movement started, the Army for the Pacification of the Nation was also established at Shensi as a reaction against Commander Chen Shu-fan's alliance to the northern warlord Tuan Chi-rei who tried to eliminate the revolutionary activists. Compared with the fast coming and going of the Constitution-defending Movement, the Pacification movement was much larger in scale and influence. It started in December 1917 and ended in May 1922. Although the Pacification movement once threatened the position of the governor of Shensi, Chen Shu-fan, it did not exert its influence accordingly because it was composed of different groups of people, each having its own interest and focus. It was rather hard for such a movement to have substantial effects. As a result, its merit was hard to decide. In order to remain objective, we need to understand each group of people as individual cases or we will not be able to research the matter. We have found that Hu Ching-yi was the key to the establishment of the Army for the Pacification of the Nation. Because of his experience in the revolution and in the Shensi army, he also able to lead an army to take Shanyuan and to establish the Pacification Army. It was after Hu defeated Chen that the Pacification Army was firmly established. It was also he that failed the battle of Sian. Unfortunately, Hu was captured on his way to recruit more people to join the army. He was imprisoned for two years, and his absence almost ruined the Pacification Army.


