  • 期刊


The Experience of Reducing the Weight of Medical Waste in a Hemodialysis Center


目前台灣接受血液透析治療的人口逐年攀升,透析醫療廢棄物佔全國生物醫療廢棄物比例為6.3%,隨著環保意識高漲、醫療成本增加,如何讓生物醫療廢棄物減量、避免環境污染是迫切重要的。專案的目的在探討本單位生物醫療廢棄物重量增加的原因,經由實地觀察及查檢-確立主要問題為1、人工腎臟殘留透析液排空不完全2、生物醫療廢棄物垃圾桶週邊設備不完善。籍由制訂排放人工腎臟透析液的標凖流程及把過程拍攝成教學光碟納入新進人員教育訓練課程、舉辦成染性垃圾桶改良創意比賽並增設週邊設備及隨機稽查等對策,將生物醫療廢棄物重量從0.88 kg/人次下降至改善後0.79 kg/人次,顯示本專案對生物醫療廢棄物的減量有極大的幫助。


In Taiwan, the population of end stage renal disease patients receiving hemodialysis continues to grow. Hemodialysis-related blood-containing medical waste contributed 6.3% of all medical waste. Because of the groundswell of environmental protection and the continuous growth of medical costs, it is crucial to reduce the medical waste. The purpose of this program is to discover the etiology of the increase of medical waste in our center. After close observation and verification, we found two major problems. First, the evacuation of waste water in the hemodialyzer was incomplete. Second, the accessory equipment of medical waste trash can be improved. By means of establishing a standard procedure of evacuation of waste water in the hemodialyzer, filming the standard procedures to make a teaching video for new staff, launching a creativity contest for the reduction of medical waste in trash cans, refining the accessory equipment of the medical trash cans and continual strict examination, we reduced the medical waste from 0.88Kg to 0.79Kg. It attested that this program had great helped in reducing the weight of medical waste.
