  • 期刊


To Increase the New Patient Rate of Peritoneal Dialysis through an Improvement in Patient Instruction Model


本專案為提昇腹膜透析治療新病人比率,統計某區域醫院腹膜透析中心於2012年7月1日至2012年12月31日之新病人數,佔此期間之全部透析新病人數僅6.06%。現況分析發現問題為:(1)病人覺得腹膜透析很麻煩(2)衛教訊息不清楚(3)緊急血液透析後便不想改變透析方式。對策實施以新增專任慢性腎臟病(chronic kidney disease, CKD)衛教師、增設CKD魔法小屋、製作巧思百寶盒供衛教指導、安排腹膜透析志工經驗分享等,腹膜透析新病人比率由6.06%提昇至22.22%,獲得良好成效。由此觀之-CKD衛教師提供適當的衛教讓病人選擇適合自己的透析方式,且讓其理解衛教內容,減少對未知的醫療所產生的恐懼,皆足見其重要性。


In order to increase the new patient rates of peritoneal dialysis, this project enrolled a number of new patients from a regional hospital in central Taiwan between July 31 and December 31, 2012. The data shows that the new patient rate accounted for just 6.06% of all dialysis. Analyze of the situation found the following barriers. Firstly, patients felt peritoneal dialysis to be troublesome; secondly, patient instruction was unclear; thirdly, patients were reluctant to change dialysis modality after undergoing the urgent dialysis. To boost the new patient rate of peritoneal dialysis, the project adopted several new strategies: (1) A fixed chronic kidney disease (CKD) educator; (2) Setting up a new CKD room; (3) Creating specific tools for patient instruction; (4) Arranging for volunteers to share their experience. The new patient rate of peritoneal dialysis eventually increased significantly from 6.06% to 22.22%. The demonstrated crucial role played by the CKD educator in providing proper information on selecting the most suitable dialysis modality for each individual patient, helping patients understand the content of health education and reduce their fear of unknown medical care.


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財團法人醫院評鑑暨醫療品質策進會(2011).100 年醫院評鑑基準及評量項目.取自http://www.tjcha.org.tw/admin/Upload/1E9736FC-1590-4F0D-A6EC-D3944313252E/100 年醫院評鑑基準及評量項目.doc


