  • 期刊


An Intensive Care Experience of a Ventilator-dependent Patient with Chronic Renal Failure and Metabolic Acidosis




This paper describes an intensive nursing care experience of a patient whose condition was complicated by chronic renal failure with metabolic acidosis and repeated ventilator weaning failures that had serious physiological and psychological impacts. The period of nursing care was between April 19 to June 17, 2014. The clinical data was collected and assessed through observation, communication and physical assessment. According to holistic nursing assessments of the physiological, psychological, social and spiritual aspects, the patient’s health problems included gas exchange impairment, infection, and hopelessness. Watson's caring theory was used to develop a nursing intervention for the patient and family, including providing a supportive and protective environment, establishing a relationship of mutual trust, and accepting their positive and negative emotional feedback. Cooperation with the medical team, collaboration on the development of the respiratory training program, as well as the use of caring, support, companionship and encouragement in the nursing process to guide the patient and family members in the expression of their emotions and to come to terms with the disease and death. We hope this report can provide our experience as a reference for clinical nurses.


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