  • 期刊


Nursing Experience of a Difficult-to-wean Patient on Dialysis Undergoing Major Abdominal Surgery




This article described the nursing experience of a chronic hemodialysis elderly patient with respiratory failure after an intestinal surgery to successfully weaned from the ventilator. The nursing period was from December 5 to 25, 2014. Based on Gordon's eleven functional health patterns, the author collected the data in this article by means of observation, physical evaluation, medical records, and interviews with family members. The major health problems were postoperative bed rest and fasting-state-reduced the physical functions, insufficient muscle endurance caused by muscle mass loss and affecting the respiratory muscles, dysregulation of body fluid resulting in systemic edema and increasing respiratory load and ineffective breathing pattern, limited postoperative nutrient uptake and absorption leading to poor nutrition than physical needs. In terms of psychological impact, the patient experienced weaning failure and she felt loss of control of her body and developed a sense of hopelessness. She had emotional distress and could not cooperate with respiratory training exercise and tried self-removal of the endotracheal tube. All of these increased the difficulty of weaning process. We established a trust relationship with the case by listening and accompanying and communication skills, and encouraged the patient to face the weaning process with a positive attitude. Under an integrated medical care plan, the patient increased her intake and absorption of nutrients by progressively caloric uptake and formula adjustment. The physical therapist designed and performed the rehabilitation exercises for the patient to enhance physical activity and muscle endurance for ventilator weaning. While searching and reading references, the author found that there were limited articles on the weaning process for hemodialysis patients. The author hopes to share this experience with clinical nursing staffs as a reference and to improve nursing care quality.


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