  • 期刊


On the concept of the "Difference" in the philosophy of Zhuangzi




莊子 差異 卮言 崇有論


Based on the analysis of terrestrial and celestial sound in Zhuangzi, this paper revaluates that Zhiyan (random words) are not the words of Tao, but a kind of language separated from Tianjun (heavenly equalizer) and Tianni (heavenly equality). The idea of "difference" in Zhuangzi comes into being between the language of definite things and the materialized things that flow out of the boundary of language and are not conventional. However, differences, which are supposed to be infinitely creative, are in danger of being shifted in the direction of "propensity" thinking. Julian discusses this technique of political manipulation in a more comprehensive way, using Wang Bi's note. Therefore, on the basis of anti-efficacy, this paper argues that the decentralization of the subject should not be a self-restraint practiced for a deeper desire, but a continuous branching to form new systems. In Zhuangzi-Tianyun, the Yellow Emperor plays music for Beimencheng, providing an explanation of the possibility of difference and emergence. Beimencheng is a figure "full of form but quiet within", which removes his personhood and becomes an individual with no personhood, but "quietness" does not disappear into some kind of qi-chemistry, but is a "reality" of "a certain state" that can "be measured by nature". Moreover, as the heterogeneous individuals "transform into different forms", "no one can grasp its pattern" and thus "the flow is endless". Finally, "the sound of no indolence" points to a state of flow in which "there is no movement in the heart at all" and "everything changes according to the laws of nature", and all heterogeneous individuals play with each other, and the heterogeneous elements do not merge into a harmonious whole but create a field of intensity. Within which, the personified "heavenly mystery" no longer operates, and what operates is a constant differentiation that cannot be expressed by the same variation.


[隋]釋智顗,《摩訶止觀》,《大正藏》,冊46(CBETA, T46, no. 1911)。
[隋]釋智顗,《金光明經玄義》,《大正藏》,冊 39(CBETA, T39, no. 1783)。
