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The Crisis of Philippine Electoral Democracy




This paper examines two critical problems of Philippine electoral democracy: its elitist mode of representation and lack of accountability and its continuing political instability. The country's elitist mode of electoral representation is seen in the continuing entrenchment of oligarchic control of elections particularly in the national legislature by both old and new political families. The lack of accountability of elected officials even in the face of economic failure and political instability is rooted in the ability of elites to exploit unequal power relationships and manipulate elections and the absence of viable opposition parties. Intractable armed movements as represented by the communist and Islamic challenges to the central government, the politicized factions of the military, and the contentious politics of militant social movements and civil society organizations underscore varying aspects of the country's political instability. Some institutional innovations in the post-Marcos period such as the 1992 Local Government Code, the Party List Law, and the Absentee Voting Law have provided openings for alternative electoral contestation but the limitations for challenging oligarchic dominance through these institutions also continue to be formidable. However, the emergence of an alternative national mass-based political party built around the interests and aspirations of the poorer and middle classes can serve as a significant challenge to long entrenched oligarchic domination of the electoral arena. One important component of this new political party is the largely untapped potentials of the overseas Filipino workers and their families.


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