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Political Parties and Democratic Consolidation in Korea




This paper analyzes Korea's party politics, in the context of democratic consolidation, on three levels: the relationship between parties and the state, inter-party relationships, and the interlocking of parties and society. In the party-state relationship in the context of democratic consolidation, two points can be stipulated in Korea. First, the government subsidy is relatively fairly distributed to the politically significant parties. Second, it is utilized, at times, as a decoy for incorporating the opposition. Even though criticism is raised with regard to the discrimination of the minor parties in providing state subsidies and the strategically designed utilization of patronage, the subsidies and patronage do not structurally distort Korea's party politics. Three changing factors are reshaping Korea's party politics: issue-oriented politics, inclusive politics and multi-party politics. Issue-oriented politics become feasible as personality political parties have changed to more issue-oriented ones, and this is led to a competition with regard to diverse issues. Previously excluded social sectors, including laborers as a group, are now permitted to participate in politics through the introduction of the proportional party list electoral system for the national district. This electoral system results in a more heterogeneous multiparty system if we characterize the previous multiparty system as a more moderate multiparty system. Nonetheless, party politics as a whole is managed as a centripetal competition among system-supporting parties. In their relationship with society, Korea's political parties have partly been replaced by civil society organizations. They become less important political actors mainly due to failure in facilitating people's participation in politics. They are forced to incorporate the people into their internal process on the one hand, and they concede to share their functions with the civil society organizations on the other. Although party politics is far from ideal, political parties and party politics in Korea are becoming more democratic, responsive and transparent than before. And this is contributing to the consolidation of Korean democracy.


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